The Generator - now helping you to interpret your contract


A new addition to the COVID-19 tool.

Since updating our COVID-19 tool a few weeks ago, we’ve now added a new tool to help interpret force majeure and related clauses.

The new Adviser tool helps you understand where you stand contractually. We do this by giving you a spectrum of possibilities and an emoji rating. Don’t be fooled by the lighthearted packaging: it’s packed with useful advice and practical tips to help you decide what to do if your business partner tells you they can’t perform their part of the bargain. It’s our non-binary non-reductionist way of giving you something more useful than “it depends”. More useful than a bunch of legal articles? D’uuh.

Who should use it and how

The tool is designed to help businesses, who are dealing with contract disruption due to the crisis, to quickly triage and decide how to react to a given situation. It also acts a checklist or sense-check for lawyers who are more familiar with the issues.

The tool applies general commercial principles rather than any specific local laws, so is not designed to provide specific legal advice or to help if there is potential litigation. It is a commercial tool, designed to help take sensible commercial decisions based on a high level insight of where you stand contractually.

Want something more?

We can provide a customisable version within the same Coda tool so you can customise it for your organisation. For larger businesses with larger contract volumes, we have been building a more sophisticated tool within Majoto that you can use to triage and assess your contracts. Get in touch if you’d like to take a look.